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Translated Quotes (Lyla Hamdan) 1

Below are English translations of various quotes.

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We will neither make a great impact, nor reach an extraordinary desired change, nor achieve a proper advancement for the good of the nation that has ever been brought forth for [the good of] mankind, until we re-invoke the universal meaning of Monotheism (Tawhid) in all our
issues. And until the preachers return as leaders of monotheism, not leaders who submit to the way of the enemies of “Fitrah” and religion.
Dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Teach your children the importance of Islam before the importance of certificates and salaries! Teach them that “the Qur’an” in their lives is a priority before any entertainment and amusement! Establish the concepts of strong stamina and avoid anything that weakens and destroys it, focus on protection and immunity, the outside world is very ugly and your children are being targeted with “perversion and bestiality”.

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The biggest crime against a woman is treating her as if she were a man.
Dr. Lyla Damdan

“..And the male is not like the female..”
Quran (3;36)

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Teach your children the Qur’an, show them the defects and failures of the west, do not paint a picture of glorification and reverence for this western civilization, present it in its true size to those around you, do not let defeatism be a reason for depriving us of rising as an “Ummah”. By Allah, what we have is better than what they have, and by Allah, the greatness of Islam should be learned by all human beings. Carry Islam with sincerity befitting it!

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“And follow what is revealed to you, and be patient until Allah passes His judgment. For He is the Best of Judges” YUNUS (JONAH): 109.
When you set up for life with the Quran, when Quran is your exile, The weights of this world start to feel light, your heart isn’t as heavey as it used to be. The verses are great, they ease your burden. What a great blessing upon believers Quran is.
He won’t be lonely he who takes Quran as his companion That’s why I always have insisted on memorizing it.
dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Pray as if everything is about to end.
Fulfil all your pious deeds as if you are making them for the last time.
Write your words as if they are the last.
A day is coming when your heart will stop beating, your soul then will soar to it’s Creator, then only your pervious devotion will matter.
Preserve this devotion. It is your greatest asset.
dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Put before your eyes, with every hardship and affliction, every ease and relief, and every withholding and bestowal, that Allah’s will is superior to everyone and all commands belong only to Allah in the past and in the future. So, you should always strive to be

one of Allah’s allies. Indeed, Allah’s allies no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they grieve. It is sufficient to have “Allah as our Patron” to gain strength and impregnability. Who dare to defeat the believer?! The nations never gathered against the believer except out of fear.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

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While reading the Quran, give the verses and the chapters your full attention so it might get to your soul and make you feel lighter.
An hour of contemplation of the Qad sameh part will build up your faith and beautify your manners if you were honestly dedicated.
Read Quran with your HEART, listen with your HEART, before this of yours can no longer beat. Thus ending your time to stock up for the journey to the hereafter.
Dr. Lyla Hamdan

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If all of your projects in life falter,

the project of Islam will remain vibrant and alive, embracing your aspiration, competition and repentance. It requires nothing more than the sincerity of your heart. Today more than ever before, live for Islam. Live following the teachings of it, even if you felt as if you are alone. As the goal of Islam is the great- est… And Allah’s presence in it is incomparable.
dr. Lyla Hamdan

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“The heart of the believer is conflicted between, “will religion be deficient and I’m alive” and “I hastened to you, my Lord, that you be pleased”.
Between the longing to install his religion to hold its word high, and the eagerness to meet him in his paradise.
And, whoever ponders this conflict realizes that God’s good is expensive, and that the greatness of the demand must be confronted with great efforts. The two ends keep pushing one another in a tremendous movement that has the highest potency to push for the best.
dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Put before your eyes, with every hardship and affliction, every ease and relief, and every withholding and bestowal, that Allah’s Will is superior to everyone and all commands belong only to Allah in the past and in the future. So, you should always strive to be one of Allah’s allies. Indeed, no fear shall be upon Allah’s allies, nor shall they grieve. It is sufficient to have “Allah as our Patron” to gain strength and impregnability. Who would dare to defeat the believer?! The nations never gathered against the believer except out of fear.

Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translators

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The Human soul is similar to a book that has chapters and units. Therefore there are the difference and harmony (with those who agree with it and disagree with those who disagree with it) unless it hasn’t Taqwa (godliness or feeling fear from Allah), it will face the tendency towards an imperishable -a lot of times evil and it will not go straight without Faith and the Islamic system, that as its composition (or structure) is complicated which attracts it the contrasts and scatter its components the mess.
(O -you- the one in -complete- rest and satisfaction! Come back to your Lord -Creator- well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing (to Him)!
Enter you then among My -honored- slaves, And enter -you- My Paradise!)
Surah 89. Al-Fajr | The translation of Ayat (verses).
dr. Lyla Hamdan

Amidst the muddles of conflicting ideas against your nature, you must gaurd your heart.
This heart is precious, it must be honed with Quran and Sunnah.
Guard it with knowledge, turn your homes into schools and mousqes, teach your kins to race toward God’s love, devotion and goodness.
For without God’s grace what chance do we have?.
dr. Lyla Hamdan

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The most unfortunate thing about knowing people is not disconecting with them, as for everything there is a time prescribed. However, it is tearing up that brilliant image which was built on good faith and unquestionable trust. Losing this belief cannot be fixed. Therefore, the noblest behaviour is being honest in your relationships, which will always be ended by kindness, so that non would say: “chivalry has dissapeard from mankind.”
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
“The believer must be tested by some of the painful and difficult trials on him, so that his faith is being tested”, His explination (2/212)
You will be tested in the hardest things on you. What may be hard on you, may be easy on others, and your strengths could be the weaknesses of others. So, do not rest after passing the exams that were the hardest for other people, but beware of the most difficult ones for you!
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy on him, said:
“Pursuing the cleansing of one’s heart is better than excessive fasting and praying with a deceitful heart”.
Lataif Al-Maarif (p. 427)
The process of cleansing haerts begins with the remembrance of death.
dr – Lyla Hamdan

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The best repellent to grief and mental worries is working in the path of Allah.
The Messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allah upon him) said, “Whoever is concerned about the Hereafter, Allah will place richness in his heart, bring his affairs together, and the world will inevitably come to him. Whoever is concerned about this life, Allah will place poverty between his eyes, disorder his affairs, and he will get nothing of this life but what is decreed for him.” At-Tirmidhi.

In the Musnad of Ahmad, it was mentioned (thorough an authentic chain of narrations) that Ali Ibn Abu-Talib said, “He who keeps himself busy with Allah, Allah will spare him all worries and suffice him in all his affairs.”
Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translators

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dr- Lyla Hamdan

You will find at the end of each problem, trail,gift and elevation that the essence of piety and the reality of truth is kindness.
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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The stability of Muslim women nowadays against temptation storms and malice swamps is a great achievement for all Muslims, as well as a support and reinforcement to all new Muslim reverts, and it indicates that the empowerment of Islam is soon approaching! This stability is one of the pillars of victory: It builds the conquering generations, defeats evil schemes, and with it history will record how many granddaughters of the Prophet’s companions our Ummah has created.

Dr. Layla Hamdan

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How do you expect loyalty from the dearest people, while you may be unloyal to yourself in most of the times? And how do you expect this loyalty from strangers?
Only very few are honest in their loyalty and a few people get this blessing.
So be one of those few people and let loyalty be your trait.
As we will be gone but a trace will remain.
dr Lyla Hamdan

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In our time, the more value of meanings you have in yourself, your interactions, and goals, the more life becomes strange and intense.
Whoever lives the meanings with his soul and de- votes himself sincerely to them.. must pay the price for that from his soul and everything he owns.
Therefore, the price of living for the word of monotheism was the most valuable and the most expensive, and its cost is incomparable.
dr – Lyla Hamdan

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You will not reach the highest ranks of worshipness to Allah, until you are tested and afflicted. Until you learn, repent, be humble and go back with a high spirit. With a great belief. With no arrogance and admire for yourself!

Saaid bin Jubair was asked: “who is the one that worship Allah the most? He said: a man that committed a sin, but every time he remembers his sin, he feels ashamed and repents to his Lord.”

dr Lyla Hamdan


Differences inevitably occur when what occupies your life the most means nothing to others; when the best thing you have to offer has no value to them. Such a situation presents a test of sincerity for your values and goals, and separates the truthful from the pretender.

Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translators

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Helplessness, idleness, subordination and defeatism are
not befitting of a Muslim, as he she are superior by their belief A Muslim knows that he was created to uphold the word of Allah Almighty, so he upholds it in his heart and his surrounding first, then takes no heed even if all the forces on earth unite against him.
By Allah isn’t this true freedom? Freedom of the heart and dissociation from all invaders and rumormongers; and blessed are those who live in freedom.
Dr. Layla Hamdan

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How great is monotheism (Tawheed)

Ibn Al-Qayyim – rahimahu Allah – said:
“The greatest cause of alleviating the chest is tawheed. In accordance to the degree of its perfection, strength and increase does the person’s chest proportionately experience that alleviation. Allah The Most High has said:
Can he whose chest Allah has opened up to Islam and who is thus upon a light from his Lord (be likened to one who is not like that)? [Az-Zumar: 22]
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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dr- Lyla Hamdan

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The Muslim people before us lived and died for the sake of serving and applicating – establishing- this great religion completely without any shortage as a governor – controller- non- governed on the Earth; so, you did not find in their biography a complaint of fear or hunger or decrease of money, souls and fruits -Products-, but you will find the victory pres- tige for upholding – raising the word of Allah and the loyalty for the believers and gave their selves.

dr- Lyla Hamdan

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The real disappointment does not come from people who are expected to let you down; indeed the presence or absence of such people in your life is one and the same.In fact the real disappointment comes from the ones you depend on, trust, and expect to be there for you; those with inherent loyalty and support, who know you the best, and are Muslims!Many times an honest confession can help us be acquitted of disappointment towards fellow Muslims, so don’t hold it back!

Dr. Layla Hamdan


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dr- Lyla Hamdan

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The messages shared on social media platforms that “promise” the afflicted person and ensures him that everything will be as he wishes and desires; are simply “propaganda” that have no connection to the correct under- standing of Al-Qadhaa’ Wa Al-Qadar (Divine Will and Decree).
For the believer may die while he is afflicted with that which he patiently endures and purifies [his sins] with to the last breath.
Attempting to picture the life of the believer by what he wishes is wrong… reflect upon the lives of the [righteous] people before us.
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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Some afflictions go with the believer till he dies; his soul goes to her creator. Some injuries are still bleeding till the last breath. Some circumstances make him melts because it till his soul leaves his body. Life is not the place where the believer achieves his dream on it. It is only El-Jannah -heaven- where he feels safe forever, so do not be hanged-up with messages that make you wish other- wise; you should be ready and have patience, persistence, imputation, and trust; this is the Fiqh-jurisprudence in Islam-.
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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As long as you are still upon El-Tawheed -monothe- ism-and El-Sunnah… even if your affliction is great in this dunya (worldly life)… even if you’re left alone, struggling along your way… you’re still upon a great bounty.
Everything in this life can be sacrificed for the sake of steadfastness upon El-Tawheed -monotheism- and El-Sunnah.
So: 0 Allah keep our hearts steadfast upon loving you, loving your Prophet, good worship, and a good following of your prophet, and seal our lives with the greatest end you would seal with the lives of the true believers.
dr Lyla Hamdan

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Abu Mas’ud entered upon Hudhaifa (may Allah be pleased with both of them) and said to him, “Advise me.” Hudhaifa replied, “Did you not receive guidance?” He [Abu Mas’ud] said: “indeed [I did] by the might of my Lord.”

Hudhaifa said: “Then know that misguidance, and truly is it misguidance to acknowledge what you used to deny and to deny what you used to acknowledge. Beware of capriciousness, for the religion of Allah is one.” [Al-Ibanah Al-Kubra 1/189]
Observe how a companion asks another companion for advice, and what it is that he advises him to.
Whereas we are in a time when religion is used as a pretext for both falsehood and the truth.
dr Lyla Hamdan

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If you find yourself successful in the way of Allah, but then find yourself yearning for something of this world -Dunya- that you do not possess… Don’t have too much desire for it. Instead, look at the situation of those who possess it and have only gained anxiety and sorrow from it, and hence, yourself will soon abstain from the idea.
Do not let the sights of the road distract you from the abodes of the eternal dwellers, and know that what is written for you will inevitably come to you, and what is not meant for you, you will never attain, even if you strive for it!
dr Lyla Hamdan

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Dear mother,Make your home a paradise for your daughter. Teach her how to love staying at home. Do not task her with outdoor errands without necessity, and don’t give her the opportunity to be dazzled by hanging out in the streets at a young age.Instead compensate her with observing and reflecting over nature and the creations of Allah. Show her modesty and chastity in a loving way. Make both awareness and joy within your home abundant, be a role model for her, and repeat to her words about the high endeavor and great goals of the believing and monotheistic Muslim woman, and hence, she will create her schedule from an early age… and if ever she leaves you, she will come back longing for home!

dr-Lyla Hamdan


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You will find a woman asking God with urge and insistence for marriage, another woman who’s married yet feels depressed and regretful about her mar

riage, another who wishes for a child in her life, and another who is looking for someone to take care of her children to relieve her! One wishes to find love in her marriage, and another found love and wishes that she never knew it…
This is the nature of Dunya: incomplete, and so, look for what lasts: dedicating monotheism and worship to Allah -God- Almighty.
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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The most important attribute in everything you look for in this world is safety. The safety of the heart, the safety of yourself, the safety of the family, the safety of the homeland and the safety of the nation. The safer our selves, relationships, and all we have been entrusted, the better is life, even if it were on the level of subsistence.
There is no security without faith and monotheism, no security without honesty and sincerity, no security without Ihsan and loyalty, and no security with- out action!
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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Experience and history show that those who repeatedly make promises and pledges are often the least likely to adhere to them. Truly loyal people do not need to repeat their words, rather they fulfill them before they even utter them, as a test of their truthfulness towards Allah first, and towards themselves second.
That’s why rushing to perform good deeds is better and more favorable than talking about them.
Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translators

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I reflected upon all that is going on in our time: from temptations, sins and evils, and I could not find any temptation more serious that which is summarized in these two noble verses:
(Oh you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do?, greatly hateful in the sight of Allah is that you say what you do not do )
The speech is addressed to the believers.. Oh Allah, grant us safety!
dr Lyla Hamdan

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Among the most important things workers should adhere to so that they are content with the blessings of honesty:

Striving to be self-accountable and to check for mistakes and weaknesses in their performance without cheating. That means having the courage to admit them and not concealing them through unnerving destructive justification.

Striving to rectify mistakes and to seek advice from trustworthy advisors, and not relying on complacency or the applause of admirers.

Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translator

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Every Eid, both close friends
and mere acquaintances rush to send greetings, sincere Du’a and heartfelt wishes, reminding us of what the messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever”.

So thank you Allah for the blessing of the believers’ mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy.
Dr. Layla Hamdan


In the Qur’an and Sunnah are all great examples of
women. A believing woman will not replace these magnificent examples with those that are defeated and fruitless, “…Would you exchange what is better for what is inferior?…” Would a free woman sell Firdaws (highest level of paradise) just to follow the Shaytan (the devil), who is Man’s most evident enemy?! This is a war between good and evil, unfit for the believing women unless it is to set an example to those after them.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translator

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If only one knew the value of purifying the self; it is the most dangerous pitfall that reformers fall into when they reassure themselves that they are “the best and the most righteous;” this is where the “foolish unraveling of one’s firmly spun yarn” begins (reference to Ayah 16.92). Give your journey the title “…it is they who hope for Allah’s mercy…” (Quran Translated Meaning 2.218). Whenever you feel satisfied with yourself, remember the predecessors. It is a competition that goes on till the last breath, and only he whose determination is fed by his sense of inadequacy shall win
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

The Prophet’s Hadith on the love and compassion between believers is captivating!
Love and compassion are the most important pillars of a relationship, and no relationship can continue to flourish -under the light of Allah- without these two fundamental qualities.
With the loss of our values, we also lost the love and compassion between us, which has led to the spread of hostility, malice, and harm among Muslims, and moved them far away from their Prophet’s description in the Hadith.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

If there is an advise for after Ramadan, it would be to determinedly abide by these two:

Commit yourself to a daily portion of the Noble Qur’an; a portion that you never omit just as you would never leave drinking water.

Commit yourself to praying two Rak’as (shortly) before Fajr, even if they had to be with short Suras. Emit to Allah the Exalted in these two Rak’as all your worries, grief, weakness, and supplications, and seek His aid to remain steadfast and to compete with the believers in doing all kinds of good.

Dr. Layla Hamdan

Muslim Translators

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O Muslim Woman, when you see that woman who recently reverted to Islam exalting her Lord with praise, you will remember how great Allah’s grace upon you is. You were born as a Muslim, raised as a Muslim, and knew Allah from the moment you first opened your eyes. So Allah has favored you with prostration (sujud), protection, tranquility, and worship. Your steadfastness today provides strength to that newly reverted Muslim woman and sets a role model and an exemplar for her. Don’t give in
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

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To everyone who asks me, “Where do I start? After being lost and foolish for so long, where do I begin?”
Start with the Quran! With the book of Allah Al- mighty, here is the magnificent and prosperous beginning. This Quran contains your salvation, righteousness, healing of your hearts, steadfastness, and glad tidings. It is the guide, leader, method, life, soul, and all that is indispensable.
Be blessed with the Quran!
dr- Lyla Hamdan

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Your measure of love and sincerity with Allah (glorified is He) is based on your response to His words, your closeness to His great book, your abidance to its commands and prohibitions, your commitment to every remembrance and commandment within it, and translating the Quran into actions and effects in your life…
That is the true measurement, and without it, [claiming sincerity and love for Allah Almighty (without any actions to fulfill such a claim)] is merely self-talk and wishes!
Blessed is the one who leaves Ramadan with a stronger attachment to the Quran and a life lived according to its principles.
dr- Layla Hamdan

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And because it is a race to win the highest levels of Jannah (paradise), be aware that you are not the only one who is racing. O how painful would it be when all other women race past you and you are still stumbling over the defeats of feminism or shriveled western ideas! Always remember that there are others who are racing with determination, love, fear and hope, so do not let your determination frail as at the end there is a mighty meeting with the mothers of the believers and all those who are righteous.

Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translator

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We are weak and have no power or strength except through Allah. Therefore, do not be deceived by apparent righteousness, good praise, or acclaim. Be ever watchful of final outcomes as they are the decisive criterion in all that you see and hear. Do not let a day go by without supplicating: “O Ever-Living One, O Sustainer, by Your Mercy I call upon You to set right all my affairs. Do not place me in charge of my self even for the blinking of an eye.” “Oh Allah, mend the secrets within our hearts, our deeds, and our ultimate outcomes.”
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

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Don’t think for a moment that you are alone, for all Muslim women on this earth are like a structure strengthening and supporting itself. Every adherence to Allah’s commands and every departure from His prohibitions is a stiffening and strengthening block for all Muslims and a base for empowering Islam. Remember: Every change
that affects your heart will reflect on your life, and the change towards righteousness necessitates victory.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translator

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Such is this worldly life, taking and giving, winning and losing, friendliness and estrangement, that you live between blessings and deprivation. Those who ponder upon Allah’s blessings find that His bounties are great. Glory be to You our Lord, we have not revered You the reverence You deserve.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translator

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The Muslim should strive to gather every possible source
of strength:
The strength of truth, hence he does not deviate from the
path of the Prophet.
The strength of speech, hence he speaks only truthfully
and justly.
The strength of defense, hence he does not submit to oppressors or aggressors.
The strength of revival, by preserving his heritage, identity, and goals that distinguish him.
The strength of purpose, by making his goal the ranks of
the righteous, martyrs, and companions of the Prophet.
dr- Layla Hamdan

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An Arab woman was asked: What is the wound that never heals?
She replied: A noble person needing a despicable person, and
then being rejected (by him).
She was then asked: What is humiliation?
She replied: An honorable person standing at the door of a lowly person, and not being granted permission to enter.
Dr. Layla Hamdan
Muslim Translators

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Everything that you collect in this world, that you build, and preserve of money,
property, interests and reasons for a decent living, will be lost in a few minutes with a strike of an earthquake, a torrential flood, or deadly epidemics, or any reason that you did not think of. Likewise, all that you collect and preserve from good
deeds, goodness, closeness to God for a happy ending in Al-Akhira, will be destroyed it in the same way by sins and polytheism.
Dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Never fall into this trap!
The Palestinians see only the Jews as enemies, and the Syrians see only the Russians and Iranians as enemies, and the Iraqis, Afghans and Somalis see only Americans as enemies, and the Indians see only the Hindus as enemies, and so on!
Rather, whoever harms a Muslim is an enemy of the entire Islamic Ummah. There is no difference in that between a non-Arab Muslim and an Arab!
Dr. Lyla Hamdan

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Our battle today is no longer a battle to free Muslim countries from colonization as much as it is a battle to free Muslims’ minds from domination, a battle to preserve the fundamentals of religion before it is completely demolished, so that a Muslim becomes aware of his religion only that its name is “Islam”.

The consequences of the ideological invasion in our nation are unfortunate, and if we do not stand firm with the remaining defense mechanisms we have, the people will be expelled from the religion of Allah in multitudes.



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The nation’s struggle with the forces of “kufr” and tyranny requires great patience, long preparation,cumulative work, clarity of vision, integrity of intentions and sincerity of efforts, and this means projects that prepare generations considering decades of work, not enthusiastic projects whose validity depends on the lifespan of the flame of enthusiasm!The drops that keep targeting the same stone break it no matter how hard it is.

Dr. Lyla Hamdan


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The beauty of “ibadat” is not in their formulation, but in the sincerity while practicing them.The beauty of life is not in its pleasures, but in its goals.The beauty of a person is not in his but in his piety.

Dr. Lyla Hamdan


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In the battle of life today:
Make your role model: the first three generations
of Islam
And your fortified shield: “..Will you exchange
what is good for what is worse?..” (Qur’an 2:61)
And your sharp sword: “..But honour, power and
glory belong to Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad
SAW), and to the believers..” (Qur’an 63:8)
And rejoice victory, it is yet to come.

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Do not be deceived by falsehood, because this religion will not return to leadership except by being upright on the methodology of the Prophet (and then there will be a caliphate on the method of prophecy), as it will not come unless you take this book with strength and pride that is not mixed with defeatism, suspicion or turmoil. In order to achieve this firmness, the Qur’an and the Sunnah must become the standard for everything in our lives.

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It is inappropriate for a Muslim mother for her children to be ignorant of the stories of the prophets and the life of the Prophet Muhammad
A major problem is that the young child memorizes fairy tales and myths and does not know anything about the stories of the prophets!
Some mothers imitate Western women in reading bedtime stories, so the child sleeps on a false imagination that quickly dissipates at the first encounter with reality!
Then we wonder where the fragility of our children comes from!

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Most of the great people in history did not study in regular schools. Their strength was in their will, in
their personal preparation and in their determination.
It is important for every Muslim to correct the concepts on which the generations were brought up
during decades of weakness and repressive systems, which produced for us helpless, depressed and
defeated generations who lost freedom of thought and the ability to change their reality.

النشرة البريدية

بالاشتراك في النشرة البريدية يصلك جديد الموقع بشكل أسبوعي، حيث يتم نشر مقالات في جانب تربية النفس والأسرة وقضايا الأمة والمرأة والتاريخ والدراسات والترجمات ومراجعات الكتب المفيدة، فضلا عن عدد من الاستشارات في كافة المواضيع والقضايا التي تهم المسلمين.

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